Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Home Staging Gets Top Dollar

First impressions really do count when prospective buyers are looking for their next home. Increasing numbers of real estate agents and sellers are utilizing a trick of the trade "Home Staging".

Dozens of homes hit the market every single day in St. Louis, so if a you want to get top dollar for your property be proactive and set the stage and attract the buyers that will be willing to pay the most for a property like yours. Even in a hot real estate market, home staging can mean extra money in a seller's pocket and a faster selling time.

Staging can consist of simple home re-organization and cleaning or you can choose to hire a professional staging company to re-style and accessorize your home. Vacant properties can be filled with rented furniture and accessories to increase the property's appeal.

To learn more about Home Staging in St. Louis .... click here

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