Sunday, August 03, 2008

Tight market a big topic at real estate show

They've seen the future of real estate and it looks an awful lot like Web 2.0.
Real Estate Connect at San Francisco's ornate Palace Hotel in late July brought together real estate executives, brokers, agents, analysts, lenders, investors, bloggers, authors and others to hear and see the latest trends and predictions, as well as to network up a storm and commiserate about when home sales will emerge from their doldrums.
All the hip Internet buzzwords - user-generated content, social media marketing, virtual communities, portals, video-enabled, digital innovation, transparency, mobility, blogging (of course), wireless, nomadic - were trotted out, along with demos galore of how to apply them to the buying and selling of homes. Click Here for the rest of the story.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Housing Nowhere Near Bottom

Alan Greenspan, Former Federal Reserve Chairman, says that the U.S. housing market is nowhere near the bottom and that the U.S. economy is on the brink of a recession. Click Here to view his interview.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Days On Market - Buyers Want to Know

One of the very first questions buyers ask when looking at a prospective home is "How long has it been on the market?". Buyers are leery of homes that have sat on the market too long. They are thinking "What's wrong with this house?" or "The seller is unrealistic about their asking price." Buyers want to have confidence in their buying decision.

Many sellers think their best opportunity to get the most money for their property is start out high and leave room to negotiate with the buyer. This is a faulty strategy because most motivated buyers (buyers willing to pay the most) are working with real estate agents that will supply them with a list of homes and they will educate the buyers as to which homes are priced above the market. Your property will be overlooked and the best buyer for your house may not even get through the front door.

To avoid having to chase the market by reducing your asking price, it's important to consult your real estate agent on the best pricing strategy to maximize your sale price and keep your property from languishing on the market. Overpricing your property can cost you money.

Why Hire Us

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Home Staging Gets Top Dollar

First impressions really do count when prospective buyers are looking for their next home. Increasing numbers of real estate agents and sellers are utilizing a trick of the trade "Home Staging".

Dozens of homes hit the market every single day in St. Louis, so if a you want to get top dollar for your property be proactive and set the stage and attract the buyers that will be willing to pay the most for a property like yours. Even in a hot real estate market, home staging can mean extra money in a seller's pocket and a faster selling time.

Staging can consist of simple home re-organization and cleaning or you can choose to hire a professional staging company to re-style and accessorize your home. Vacant properties can be filled with rented furniture and accessories to increase the property's appeal.

To learn more about Home Staging in St. Louis .... click here

Saturday, June 14, 2008

All you need to know about toxic mold

"A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home"

With the current interest in problems created by toxic mold, we thought this site might be of interest.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Seller's Agent - Exclusive Seller Representation

Representing sellers 100% of the time sets The Seller's Agent, Inc. apart from the rest of the real estate brokerages found in St. Louis. To learn more about Seller Representation visit ..